Six Weeks to a Great Pilot

So, it’s September. The new TV season starts in a couple of weeks. Boardwalk Empire starts on Sunday, The Good Wife a couple Sundays after that, and we’re already seeing promos for the fourth season of The Walking Dead. There’s going to be a lot of great television drama out there really soon. And there’s only one show that’s missing:


Uh-huh. The summer’s over and your pilot script still isn’t done. Maybe you’ve got a draft that isn’t working; maybe you’re still trying to get that concept right. Don’t beat yourself up over that — writing a pilot is really, really hard.

I’m going to make it a little easier. I’m teaching a six week course on writing your pilot. It’s going to be on Wednesday nights starting September 18 through my old buddies at Writing Pad. It’ll be part lecture and part workshop, so I’ll be giving you the tools you need to make that script work and then helping you put them into action. And when your pilot is done, I’ll be back for a one-on-one consultation.

You can find all the details here.

The class starts in twelve days, but enrollment is going to be limited and I hear it’s filling up fast. So check it out today. Because next October do you want to be watching season five of The Walking Dead or season one of your own show?

One thought on “Six Weeks to a Great Pilot

  1. Your book is awesome and it really helped me understand the concepts of how hard it can be but with your help it would be easier as you said:-)

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